Saturday, 19 January 2008

I am legend, 2007 (warning: contains spoilers)

The movie “I am legend” starring Will Smith is an interesting opportunity to look through the eyes of Tantra Yoga into the world of Svadhisthana Chakra, the second Chakra of the human being.

To begin with lets understand the second Chakra of the human being, Svadhisthana. When this Chakra is balanced and pure the human being will manifest harmonious imagination, sense of fantasy, creativity, social success, inner joy in any situation and vitality. Be aware that imbalance and impurity on the second Chakra makes the human being always be swayed by his or her feelings and emotions and eventually people get lost in it. This can make that the human being can not see much more than his or her own suffering, always being a

victim to depression, hysteria, confusion, guilt, stress, self absorption etc., and therefore always becoming the victim of his/her own emotional changing states of mind.

Will Smith is an actor that has a very developed

Svadhisthana Chakra and he usually is seen in roles which show the emotional world composing the psyche of the human being. We’ve seen

him in “Bad Boys 1 & 2” as the “cool” cop that always wears the tailor

made clothes and says the coolest things, in “ I Robot” as the cop suffering from a case of guilt over the death of a child while he was saved by a Robot from drowning, and mostly in “Hitch”, which was a Svadhisthana Chakra classic disaster zone.

Therefore, it is not a surprise to see Will Smith in “I am Legend” as the sole survivor of humanity, a scientist, and of course the coolest dude on earth who by the way is tormented by his guilt (again… what a surprise) for the lose of so many human beings to a deadly virus which apparently he was involved in it’s development.

In the case of the character Robert Neville, we see a man who is feeling guilty, sad, lonely and tormented by his past; by his lose of family and fellow men kind. This is a strong background for a rich emotional plethora of situations (which manifest a lot in this movie). One of the brilliant examples is the amusing relationship Dr. Neville is developing with the manikins he has arranged in the video store. Again Svashisthana in full swing.

The story line of this movie shows us the life of Robert Neville alone in virus plagued New York. His loneliness is crushing (this part was done

nicely and is visually compelling), here it is interesting to mention that Tantra Yoga says that the nightmare of the person on Svadhisthana Chakra is nothing else then: To be left alone… when we think of the great Yogis and Tantrics of man kind, like the great Milarepa of Tibet, who chose to live alone in caves in the Himalayas, completely isolated, practicing Meditation and Yoga for 30 years, without hardly seeing a living soul and reaching enlightenment, we can understand the huge difference in the level of consciousness that is evident here.

Later on, when Robert Neville, fighting the Zombie like ex-humans (those who contracted the virus and transformed to Zombie like creatures) we see the character again ridden with guilt, shouting in the last scene: “I can save you…” very touching expression on Svadhisthana Chakra. But spiritually blind.

At the end Robert Neville meets up with two more survivors who revile to him the fact that there is a whole colony of survivors out there (which he totally missed...) and at the end he sacrifices himself to save his companions and the world with an unnecessary sentimental gesture of blowing himself up when he could easily escape... this could be funny if it wasn't a sad story on the second Chakra.

To conclude, this movie presents the unbalanced aspects of the second Chakra, Svadhisthana, and is uselessly loaded with emotions. The basic idea had potential but was poorly executed.

Final score: 2.

Written by Moses.


yoga enthusiast said...

Will Smith gave a "graceful and effortless performance"

vancouver yogaers said...

One of the best movie's I've ever watch. Bravo to the performance of Will Smith.

perth sky said...

Fantastic movie. I was at the edge of my seat throughout much of this movie. Have you seen the alternate ending?